# Deep Links

Deep links are special URLs that, when navigated to, open applications rather than a website. In our case we are interested in the user experiences that they enable between websites, applications, platforms, etc. by providing more interoperability.

Firefly has its own deep link scheme, exposing (limited) functionality that is required in some type of user flow. A trivial example would be a user who buys native tokens on Soonaverse and must make a payment transaction to execute the buy order. Clicking on a deep link embedded inside the Soonaverse platform triggers Firefly to open and auto-fill the transaction data as necessary, making it a simple confirm and click job for the user.

# Scheme

Our system incorporates two specific deeplink schemes—namely IOTA and SHIMMER. Breaking down the Firefly deep link scheme reveals the following simple syntax:





The parameters are as follows:

  • stage - indicates a specific stage of the app to target, options are:
    • alpha - the first available version of Firefly containing brand new features
    • beta - the next available version of Firefly containing new but slightly tested features
  • context - the part of Firefly that contains the operation, options are:
    • wallet - managing coins and tokens
    • collectibles - managing NFTs
    • governance - managing voting events and proposals
  • operation - an operation within a specific context (see below for more detail)
  • param - query parameter(s) relevant for the specified operation

To target the production version simply don't specify any stages, example for Shimmer:


This prefix is specifically meant for the production version of Firefly. You don't need to add anything else after firefly://

# Contexts

# Wallet

# Send Form

This operation brings the user to the send form popup:

The deep link structure is as follows:


The following parameters are required:

  • address - the recipient's address where the funds will be sent to
    • MUST be a Bech32 address; considering support for other address types in the future
  • amount - the amount of tokens to send in the transaction
    • MAY contain a decimal so long as it makes sense given the value of the unit param (see below)

The following parameters are optional:

  • unit - a specified denomination of the token to use, if applicable (default for IOTA is Mi, SMR is SMR)
  • assetId - the identifier of the asset to send, e.g. 4218 (IOTA), 4219 (SMR), or a native token ID (default is base token of the network, i.e. IOTA or SMR)
  • metadata - a string of text to embed as metadata in the transaction
  • tag - a string to tag the transaction for indexing purposes


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# Send Confirmation

This operation brings the user to the send confirmation popup:

The deep link structure is as follows:


The following parameters are required:

  • address - the recipient's address where the funds will be sent to
    • MUST be a Bech32 address; considering support for other address types in the future
  • amount - the amount of tokens to send in the transaction
    • MAY contain a decimal so long as it makes sense given the value of the unit param (see below)

The following parameters are optional:

  • unit - a specified denomination of the token to use, if applicable (default for IOTA is micro, SMR is glow)
  • assetId - the identifier of the asset to send, e.g. 4218 (IOTA), 4219 (SMR), or a native token ID (default is base token of the network, i.e. IOTA or SMR)
  • metadata - a string of text to embed as metadata in the transaction
  • tag - a string to tag the transaction for indexing purposes
  • giftStorageDeposit - gifts the tokens used in funding the storage deposit for a transaction
  • disableToggleGift - prevents the user from being able to toggle the option to gift the storage deposit
  • disableChangeExpiration - prevents the user from being able to change the expiration time of the transaction
  • surplus - send additional amounts of the base token when transferring native tokens
  • expiration - the expiration time of the transaction, e.g. 1w, 2d, 5h or 10m. Also accepts a UNIX timestamp in milliseconds.


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# Collectibles

Coming 🔜

# Governance

# Add Proposal

This operation brings the user to the add proposal popup:

The deep link structure is as follows:


The following parameters are required:

  • eventId - the event ID of the proposal's corresponding participation event in the network

The following parameter(s) are optional:

  • nodeUrl - the specific node that is tracking the proposal's corresponding participation event


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