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// Copyright 2020-2023 IOTA Stiftung
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
//! Errors that may occur when working with Decentralized Identifiers.
/// Alias for a [`Result`][::core::result::Result] with the error type [Error].
pub type Result<T, E = Error> = ::core::result::Result<T, E>;
/// This type represents all possible errors that can occur in the crate.
#[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error, strum::IntoStaticStr)]
pub enum Error {
/// Caused by invalid or missing properties when constructing a
/// [`VerificationMethod`](crate::VerificationMethod).
#[error("invalid verification method property: {0}")]
InvalidMethod(&'static str),
/// Caused when construction of a [`DIDUrl`](identity_did::DIDUrl) fails.
#[error("invalid DID url")]
DIDUrlConstructionError(#[source] identity_did::Error),
/// Caused when the fragment of a [`VerificationMethod`](crate::VerificationMethod) is missing.
#[error("invalid or empty `id` fragment")]
/// Caused when string does not match any known [`MethodScope`](crate::MethodScope).
#[error("unknown method scope")]
/// Caused by key material in a [`MethodData`](crate::MethodData) that is expected to be base58 encoded.
#[error("invalid base58 key data")]
/// Caused by key material in a [`MethodData`](crate::MethodData) that is expected to be multibase encoded.
#[error("invalid multibase key data")]
/// Caused by attempting to decode [`MethodData`](crate::MethodData) that is not in the expected encoding.
#[error("the method data could not be transformed to the desired type")]
InvalidMethodDataTransformation(&'static str),
/// Caused by building a [`VerificationMethod`](crate::VerificationMethod) from a key that includes private key
/// material.
#[error("invalid verification material: private key material exposed")]
/// Caused by key material that is not a JSON Web Key.
#[error("verification material format is not publicKeyJwk")]