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// Copyright (c) Mysten Labs, Inc.
// Modifications Copyright (c) 2024 IOTA Stiftung
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
use iota_json_rpc_types::{
AddressMetrics, EpochInfo, EpochMetricsPage, EpochPage, MoveCallMetrics, NetworkMetrics,
use iota_open_rpc_macros::open_rpc;
use iota_types::iota_serde::BigInt;
use jsonrpsee::{core::RpcResult, proc_macros::rpc};
/// Methods served exclusively by the indexer, supporting queries using refined
/// filters and providing access to system info and metrics.
#[open_rpc(namespace = "iotax", tag = "Extended API")]
#[rpc(server, client, namespace = "iotax")]
pub trait ExtendedApi {
/// Return a list of epoch info. Exclusively served by the indexer.
#[method(name = "getEpochs")]
async fn get_epochs(
/// Optional paging cursor
cursor: Option<BigInt<u64>>,
/// Maximum number of items per page
limit: Option<usize>,
/// Flag to return results in descending order
descending_order: Option<bool>,
) -> RpcResult<EpochPage>;
/// Return a list of epoch metrics, which is a subset of epoch info.
/// Exclusively served by the indexer.
#[method(name = "getEpochMetrics")]
async fn get_epoch_metrics(
/// Optional paging cursor
cursor: Option<BigInt<u64>>,
/// Maximum number of items per page
limit: Option<usize>,
/// Flag to return results in descending order
descending_order: Option<bool>,
) -> RpcResult<EpochMetricsPage>;
/// Return current epoch info. Exclusively served by the indexer.
#[method(name = "getCurrentEpoch")]
async fn get_current_epoch(&self) -> RpcResult<EpochInfo>;
/// Return Network metrics. Exclusively served by the indexer.
#[method(name = "getNetworkMetrics")]
async fn get_network_metrics(&self) -> RpcResult<NetworkMetrics>;
/// Return move call metrics. Exclusively served by the indexer.
#[method(name = "getMoveCallMetrics")]
async fn get_move_call_metrics(&self) -> RpcResult<MoveCallMetrics>;
/// Address related metrics. Exclusively served by the indexer.
#[method(name = "getLatestAddressMetrics")]
async fn get_latest_address_metrics(&self) -> RpcResult<AddressMetrics>;
/// Address related metrics. Exclusively served by the indexer.
#[method(name = "getCheckpointAddressMetrics")]
async fn get_checkpoint_address_metrics(&self, checkpoint: u64) -> RpcResult<AddressMetrics>;
/// Address related metrics. Exclusively served by the indexer.
#[method(name = "getAllEpochAddressMetrics")]
async fn get_all_epoch_address_metrics(
descending_order: Option<bool>,
) -> RpcResult<Vec<AddressMetrics>>;
/// Return the total number of transactions. Exclusively served by the
/// indexer.
#[method(name = "getTotalTransactions")]
async fn get_total_transactions(&self) -> RpcResult<BigInt<u64>>;