1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173
// Copyright (c) Mysten Labs, Inc.
// Modifications Copyright (c) 2024 IOTA Stiftung
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
use iota_json_rpc_types::{
Checkpoint, CheckpointId, CheckpointPage, IotaEvent, IotaGetPastObjectRequest,
IotaObjectDataOptions, IotaObjectResponse, IotaPastObjectResponse,
IotaTransactionBlockResponse, IotaTransactionBlockResponseOptions, ProtocolConfigResponse,
use iota_open_rpc_macros::open_rpc;
use iota_types::{
base_types::{ObjectID, SequenceNumber, TransactionDigest},
use jsonrpsee::{core::RpcResult, proc_macros::rpc};
/// Provides methods for reading transaction related data such as transaction
/// blocks, checkpoints, and protocol configuration. The trait further provides
/// methods for reading the ledger (current objects) as well its history (past
/// objects).
#[open_rpc(namespace = "iota", tag = "Read API")]
#[rpc(server, client, namespace = "iota")]
pub trait ReadApi {
/// Return the transaction response object.
#[method(name = "getTransactionBlock")]
async fn get_transaction_block(
/// the digest of the queried transaction
digest: TransactionDigest,
/// options for specifying the content to be returned
options: Option<IotaTransactionBlockResponseOptions>,
) -> RpcResult<IotaTransactionBlockResponse>;
/// Returns an ordered list of transaction responses
/// The method will throw an error if the input contains any duplicate or
/// the input size exceeds QUERY_MAX_RESULT_LIMIT
#[method(name = "multiGetTransactionBlocks")]
async fn multi_get_transaction_blocks(
/// A list of transaction digests.
digests: Vec<TransactionDigest>,
/// config options to control which fields to fetch
options: Option<IotaTransactionBlockResponseOptions>,
) -> RpcResult<Vec<IotaTransactionBlockResponse>>;
/// Return the object information for a specified object
#[method(name = "getObject")]
async fn get_object(
/// the ID of the queried object
object_id: ObjectID,
/// options for specifying the content to be returned
options: Option<IotaObjectDataOptions>,
) -> RpcResult<IotaObjectResponse>;
/// Return the object data for a list of objects
#[method(name = "multiGetObjects")]
async fn multi_get_objects(
/// the IDs of the queried objects
object_ids: Vec<ObjectID>,
/// options for specifying the content to be returned
options: Option<IotaObjectDataOptions>,
) -> RpcResult<Vec<IotaObjectResponse>>;
/// Note there is no software-level guarantee/SLA that objects with past versions
/// can be retrieved by this API, even if the object and version exists/existed.
/// The result may vary across nodes depending on their pruning policies.
/// Return the object information for a specified version
#[method(name = "tryGetPastObject")]
async fn try_get_past_object(
/// the ID of the queried object
object_id: ObjectID,
/// the version of the queried object. If None, default to the latest known version
version: SequenceNumber,
/// options for specifying the content to be returned
options: Option<IotaObjectDataOptions>,
) -> RpcResult<IotaPastObjectResponse>;
/// Note there is no software-level guarantee/SLA that objects with past
/// versions can be retrieved by this API, even if the object and
/// version exists/existed. The result may vary across nodes depending
/// on their pruning policies. Returns the latest object information
/// with a version less than or equal to the given version
// Note that this endpoint is used by iota replay tool. Also the
// implementation in `iota-json-rpc` uses internally the
// `AuthorityState::find_object_lt_or_eq_version` method, which has
// underlying utility, e.g., `RemoteFetcher::get_child_object` uses
// `try_get_object_before_version` to get the object with the versions <=
// the given version. We have the `deprecated` flag here to not expose it in
// the generated spec file, and it should be only for internal usage.
#[method(name = "tryGetObjectBeforeVersion", deprecated = "true")]
async fn try_get_object_before_version(
/// the ID of the queried object
object_id: ObjectID,
/// the version of the queried object
version: SequenceNumber,
) -> RpcResult<IotaPastObjectResponse>;
/// Note there is no software-level guarantee/SLA that objects with past versions
/// can be retrieved by this API, even if the object and version exists/existed.
/// The result may vary across nodes depending on their pruning policies.
/// Return the object information for a specified version
#[method(name = "tryMultiGetPastObjects")]
async fn try_multi_get_past_objects(
/// a vector of object and versions to be queried
past_objects: Vec<IotaGetPastObjectRequest>,
/// options for specifying the content to be returned
options: Option<IotaObjectDataOptions>,
) -> RpcResult<Vec<IotaPastObjectResponse>>;
/// Return a checkpoint
#[method(name = "getCheckpoint")]
async fn get_checkpoint(
/// Checkpoint identifier, can use either checkpoint digest, or checkpoint sequence number as input.
id: CheckpointId,
) -> RpcResult<Checkpoint>;
/// Return paginated list of checkpoints
#[method(name = "getCheckpoints")]
async fn get_checkpoints(
/// An optional paging cursor. If provided, the query will start from the next item after the specified cursor. Default to start from the first item if not specified.
cursor: Option<BigInt<u64>>,
/// Maximum item returned per page, default to [QUERY_MAX_RESULT_LIMIT_CHECKPOINTS] if not specified.
limit: Option<usize>,
/// query result ordering, default to false (ascending order), oldest record first.
descending_order: bool,
) -> RpcResult<CheckpointPage>;
/// Return transaction events.
#[method(name = "getEvents")]
async fn get_events(
/// the event query criteria.
transaction_digest: TransactionDigest,
) -> RpcResult<Vec<IotaEvent>>;
/// Return the total number of transaction blocks known to the server.
#[method(name = "getTotalTransactionBlocks")]
async fn get_total_transaction_blocks(&self) -> RpcResult<BigInt<u64>>;
/// Return the sequence number of the latest checkpoint that has been
/// executed
#[method(name = "getLatestCheckpointSequenceNumber")]
async fn get_latest_checkpoint_sequence_number(&self) -> RpcResult<BigInt<u64>>;
/// Return the protocol config table for the given version number.
/// If the version number is not specified, If none is specified, the node uses the version of the latest epoch it has processed.
#[method(name = "getProtocolConfig")]
async fn get_protocol_config(
/// An optional protocol version specifier. If omitted, the latest protocol config table for the node will be returned.
version: Option<BigInt<u64>>,
) -> RpcResult<ProtocolConfigResponse>;
/// Return the first four bytes of the chain's genesis checkpoint digest.
#[method(name = "getChainIdentifier")]
async fn get_chain_identifier(&self) -> RpcResult<String>;