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// Copyright (c) 2024 IOTA Stiftung
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
use move_core_types::{ident_str, identifier::IdentStr};
use schemars::JsonSchema;
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use crate::{
coin::{CoinMetadata, TreasuryCap},
pub const COIN_MANAGER_MODULE_NAME: &IdentStr = ident_str!("coin_manager");
pub const COIN_MANAGER_STRUCT_NAME: &IdentStr = ident_str!("CoinManager");
pub const COIN_MANAGER_TREASURY_CAP_STRUCT_NAME: &IdentStr = ident_str!("CoinManagerTreasuryCap");
/// The purpose of a CoinManager is to allow access to all
/// properties of a Coin on-chain from within a single shared object
/// This includes access to the total supply and metadata
/// In addition a optional maximum supply can be set and a custom
/// additional Metadata field can be added.
/// Holds all related objects to a Coin in a convenient shared function.
#[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, JsonSchema)]
pub struct CoinManager {
/// The unique identifier of the object.
pub id: UID,
/// The original TreasuryCap object as returned by `create_currency`
pub treasury_cap: TreasuryCap,
/// Metadata object, original one from the `coin` module, if available
pub metadata: Option<CoinMetadata>,
/// Immutable Metadata object, only to be used as a last resort if the
/// original metadata is frozen
pub immutable_metadata: Option<ImmutableCoinMetadata>,
/// Optional maximum supply, if set you can't mint more as this number - can
/// only be set once
pub maximum_supply: Option<u64>,
/// Flag indicating if the supply is considered immutable (TreasuryCap is
/// exchanged for this)
pub supply_immutable: bool,
/// Flag indicating if the metadata is considered immutable (MetadataCap is
/// exchanged for this)
pub metadata_immutable: bool,
impl CoinManager {
pub fn is_coin_manager(object_type: &StructTag) -> bool {
object_type.address == IOTA_FRAMEWORK_ADDRESS
&& object_type.module.as_ident_str() == COIN_MANAGER_MODULE_NAME
/// The immutable version of CoinMetadata, used in case of migrating from frozen
/// objects to a `CoinManager` holding the metadata.
#[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, JsonSchema)]
pub struct ImmutableCoinMetadata {
/// Number of decimal places the coin uses.
pub decimals: u8,
/// Name for the token
pub name: String,
/// Symbol for the token
pub symbol: String,
/// Description of the token
pub description: String,
/// URL for the token logo
pub icon_url: Option<String>,
/// Like `TreasuryCap`, but for dealing with `TreasuryCap` inside `CoinManager`
/// objects
#[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, JsonSchema)]
pub struct CoinManagerTreasuryCap {
/// The unique identifier of the object.
pub id: UID,
impl CoinManagerTreasuryCap {
pub fn is_coin_manager_treasury_cap(object_type: &StructTag) -> bool {
object_type.address == IOTA_FRAMEWORK_ADDRESS
&& object_type.module.as_ident_str() == COIN_MANAGER_MODULE_NAME