pub trait ReadTrait {
type Error;
type NativeResponse;
// Required methods
fn get_chain_identifier<'life0, 'async_trait>(
&'life0 self,
) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = Result<String, Self::Error>> + Send + 'async_trait>>
where Self: 'async_trait,
'life0: 'async_trait;
fn get_dynamic_field_object<'life0, 'async_trait>(
&'life0 self,
parent_object_id: ObjectID,
name: DynamicFieldName,
) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = IotaRpcResult<IotaObjectResponse>> + Send + 'async_trait>>
where Self: 'async_trait,
'life0: 'async_trait;
fn get_object_with_options<'life0, 'async_trait>(
&'life0 self,
object_id: ObjectID,
options: IotaObjectDataOptions,
) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = IotaRpcResult<IotaObjectResponse>> + Send + 'async_trait>>
where Self: 'async_trait,
'life0: 'async_trait;
fn get_owned_objects<'life0, 'async_trait>(
&'life0 self,
address: IotaAddress,
query: Option<IotaObjectResponseQuery>,
cursor: Option<ObjectID>,
limit: Option<usize>,
) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = IotaRpcResult<ObjectsPage>> + Send + 'async_trait>>
where Self: 'async_trait,
'life0: 'async_trait;
fn get_reference_gas_price<'life0, 'async_trait>(
&'life0 self,
) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = IotaRpcResult<u64>> + Send + 'async_trait>>
where Self: 'async_trait,
'life0: 'async_trait;
fn get_transaction_with_options<'life0, 'async_trait>(
&'life0 self,
digest: TransactionDigest,
options: IotaTransactionBlockResponseOptions,
) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = IotaRpcResult<Box<dyn IotaTransactionBlockResponseT<Error = Self::Error, NativeResponse = Self::NativeResponse>>>> + Send + 'async_trait>>
where Self: 'async_trait,
'life0: 'async_trait;
fn try_get_parsed_past_object<'life0, 'async_trait>(
&'life0 self,
object_id: ObjectID,
version: SequenceNumber,
options: IotaObjectDataOptions,
) -> Pin<Box<dyn Future<Output = IotaRpcResult<IotaPastObjectResponse>> + Send + 'async_trait>>
where Self: 'async_trait,
'life0: 'async_trait;
Required Associated Types§
Sourcetype NativeResponse
type NativeResponse
The response type used in the platform specific client sdk