tip: 5
title: Binary To Ternary Encoding
description: Define the conversion between binary and ternary data
author: Wolfgang Welz (@Wollac) 
discussions-to: https://github.com/iotaledger/tips/pull/15
status: Active
type: Standards
layer: Core
created: 2020-06-08


In the IOTA protocol, a transaction is represented as ternary data. However, sometimes it is necessary to store binary data (e.g. the digest of a binary hash function) inside of a transaction. This requires the conversion of binary into ternary strings. The IOTA client libraries support the opposite conversion that encodes 5 trits as 1 byte (sometimes also referred to as t5b1 encoding), which is used for network communication and in storage layers. This RFC describes the corresponding counterpart to encode 1 byte as 6 trits.


A byte is composed of 8 bits that can represent 28 = 256 different values. On the other hand, 6 trits can hold 36 = 729 values while 5 trits can hold 35 = 243 values. Therefore, the most memory-efficient way to encode one byte requires the use of 6 trits. Although there exist many potential encoding schemes to convert binary data into ternary, the proposed version has been designed to directly match the widely used t5b1 encoding.

It is important to note that the b1t6 encoding presented in this RFC does not replace the current t5b1 encoding (or its corresponding decoding): t5b1 is for example used to store trytes in a binary database, while b1t6 will be used to attach binary data to an IOTA transaction.

Detailed design

Bytes to trits

In order to encode a binary string S into ternary, each byte of S is interpreted as a signed (two's complement) 8-bit integer value v. Then, v is encoded as a little-endian 6-trit string in balanced ternary representation. Finally, the resulting groups of trits are concatenated.

This algorithm can also be described using the following pseudocode:

T ← []
foreach byte b in S:
  v ← int8(b)
  g ← IntToTrits(v, 6)
  T ← T || g

Here, the function IntToTrits converts a signed integer value into its corresponding balanced ternary representation in little-endian order of the given length. The functionality of IntToTrits exactly matches the one used to e.g. encode the transaction values as trits in the current IOTA protocol.

Trits to bytes

Given a trit string T as the result of the previous encoding, T is converted back to its original byte string S by simply reversing the conversion:

S ← []
foreach 6-trit group g in T:
  v ← TritsToInt(g)
  b ← byte(v)
  S ← S || b


  • I
    • binary (hex): 00
    • ternary (trytes): 99
  • II
    • binary (hex): 0001027e7f8081fdfeff
    • ternary (trytes): 99A9B9RESEGVHVX9Y9Z9
  • III
    • binary (hex): 9ba06c78552776a596dfe360cc2b5bf644c0f9d343a10e2e71debecd30730d03


  • Conceptually, one byte can be encoded using log3(256) ≈ 5.0474 trits. Thus, encoding 1 byte as 6 trits consumes considerably more memory than the mathematical minimum.
  • Depending on the actual implementation the conversion might be malleable: E.g. since byte(-1) = 0xff and byte(255) = 0xff, both Z9 (-1) and LI(255) could be decoded as ff. However, LI can never be the result of a valid b1t6 encoding. As such, the implementation must reject such invalid inputs.

Rationale and alternatives

There are several ways to convert binary data into ternary, e.g.

  • the conversion used as part of the Kerl hash function encoding chunks of 48 bytes as 242 trits,
  • or by encoding each bit as one trit with the corresponding value.

The current client libraries do not provide any functionality to convert an arbitrary amount of bytes into trits. The closest available functionality is the ASCII to trit conversion, which is used for human-readable messages in transactions:

T ← []
foreach char c in S:
  first ← uint8(c) mod 27
  second ← (uint8(c)-first) / 27
  T ← T || IntToTrits(first, 3) || IntToTrits(second, 3)

This function can be adapted to encode any general byte string. However, the conversion seems rather arbitrary and the algorithm is computationally more intense than the proposed solution. On the other hand, using the algorithm from this RFC also for the conversion of ASCII messages would break backward compatibility, which is also undesirable.

Each conversion method has different advantages and disadvantages. However, since the t5b1 encoding is well-defined and has been used in IRI for both network communications and storage layers for a long time, choosing the direct counterpart for the opposite conversion represents the most logical solution providing a nice balance between performance and memory-efficiency.

Reference implementation

Example Go implementation in wollac/iota-crypto-demo:


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