Crate iota_metrics






  • A future that runs within a monitored scope. This struct wraps a pinned future and holds an optional MonitoredScopeGuard to measure and monitor the execution of the future. It forwards polling operations to the underlying future while maintaining the monitoring scope.
  • Increments gauge when acquired, decrements when guard drops
  • A struct that wraps a future (f) with a GaugeGuard. The GaugeGuardFuture is used to manage the lifecycle of a future while ensuring the associated GaugeGuard properly tracks the resource usage during the future’s execution. The guard increments the gauge when the future starts and decrements it when the GaugeGuardFuture is dropped.
  • A future that runs within a monitored scope. This struct wraps a pinned future and holds an optional MonitoredScopeGuard to measure and monitor the execution of the future. It forwards polling operations to the underlying future while maintaining the monitoring scope.
  • A service to manage the prometheus registries. This service allow us to create a new Registry on demand and keep it accessible for processing/polling. The service can be freely cloned/shared across threads.



  • MonitorCancellation records a cancelled = true span attribute if the future it is decorating is dropped before completion. The cancelled attribute must be added at span creation, as you cannot add new attributes after the span is created.
  • A trait extension for Future to allow monitoring the execution of the future within a specific scope. Provides the in_monitored_scope method to wrap the future in a MonitoredScopeFuture, which tracks the future’s execution using a MonitoredScopeGuard for monitoring purposes.


  • Add a new entry to the ServerTiming header. If the caller is not currently in a ServerTiming context (created with with_new_server_timing), an error is logged.
  • Retrieves the global METRICS instance if it has been initialized.
  • Get the currently active ServerTiming context. Only intended for use by macros within this module.
  • Initializes the global METRICS instance by setting it to a new Metrics object registered with the provided Registry. If METRICS is already set, a warning is logged indicating that the metrics registry was overwritten. This function is intended to be called once during initialization to set up metrics collection.
  • Handles a request to retrieve metrics, using the provided RegistryService to gather all registered metric families. The metrics are then encoded to a text format for easy consumption by monitoring systems. If successful, it returns the metrics string with an OK status. If an error occurs during encoding, it returns an INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR status along with an error message. Returns a tuple containing the status code and either the metrics data or an error description.
  • This function creates a named scoped object, that keeps track of
  • Create a metric that measures the uptime from when this metric was constructed. The metric is labeled with:
  • Create a new task-local ServerTiming context and run the provided future within it. Should be used at the top-most level of a request handler. Can be added to an axum router as a layer by using iota_service::server_timing_middleware.
  • Create a new task-local ServerTiming context and run the provided future within it. Only intended for use by macros within this module.

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